Tuesday 15 July 2014

Training on the Isle of Coll

I have just returned home after an intense 5 day training course up on the Isle of Coll. Similar to the Selection course the week was filled with different sessions and presentations with a Ceilidh on the last night. However this time round everyone was a lot more relaxed as there was no added pressure of being assessed if you were the correct person for a year overseas! 

Throughout the 5 days we had talks that covered pretty much everything from safety and possible dangers to homesickness and classroom management. It is amazing how in such a short period of time you can take in such a vast amount of information and feel so ready for what lies ahead.

It was great to be around a group of people that are in the exact same boat as you and are about to embark on the same adventure. As exciting as it was to talk about our plans for travelling and meeting up with each other when we're overseas, it also gave me piece of mind when people were worried about the same things as me. It is such a massive journey I am about to embark on and it is great to know I have such an amazing support team at home, on Coll and in South Africa. I feel reassured and 10 times more prepared that I did at the beginning of the week!

I also met my 3 amazing partners Erica, Olivia and Chelsea. I really couldn't be happier with Project Trust's partner choices...we all just seemed to click! 

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