Saturday 21 March 2015

Better late than never


First of all, allll the way back in October we went to Durban for the week where we met up with 4 other PT volunteers (Thanasis, Jake, Jake and Phil). We spent the majority of the week at the beach chilling out and letting our hair down after a month of hard work at our projects. Whilst we were in Durban we also celebrated Erica’s 18th birthday which turned out to be an eventful night to say the least.
Happy Hippo Backpackers - home for the week 

Day out at uShaka Sea World

Beach day
Erica's 18th Birthday
After the October holidays we had a change to our timetables which meant that we were involved in both the junior and senior primary instead of just the seniors. I still worked in Gr 6 maths and English everyday but I also became the Grade 2 P.E teacher, assisted with Occupational Therapy with a group of Grade 1’s and helped with Grade 3 reading and writing. Although every Thursday afternoon I would be drenched in water after swimming because every Grade 2 would purposely kick their legs right next to where I was standing, I loved it. Having a fuller timetable may have meant falling asleep 10 minutes after putting the kids to bed at night but it also meant we were never sitting twiddling our thumbs during the day.


Towards the end of the last term, the Grade 6’s and 7’s had their end of year exams and although exams in primary school sounds ridiculous they are important here because if a child doesn't pass they may not get into high school or get held back a year. Over this period I found myself turning into the person I used to swear I would never be…saying things like “I’ve already got my exam results, I don’t need to study,” "Do you want to be successful?" and "It'll be worth it in the end, I promise."

With all that said, one of the boys I have worked one on one with since arriving in Underberg and really pushed to study in Hostel formal prep got over 60% in both his maths and English. For someone who 2 months ago was failing all subjects and could barely string a single sentence together it is fair to say I was over the moon when I saw his results. When I was looking through the class’s exam papers and saw 64% written at the top of his maths paper I was close to tears. It was at that moment I realised the importance of me being here and the help we are able to give these children really is paramount to their education.

Thanda after finding out his exam results, I promise he was happier than this
Finally in November the weather started to pick up and it was hot enough to start swimming for evening activity. After taking the kids swimming once, that was it…every single day, rain or shine, we were bombarded with kids asking if we could swim. Not that I was complaining, I sometimes had more fun than them. Getting them into the pool was easy however getting them out was another matter. I finally figured out that threatening them with no swimming for a WHOLE WEEK would usually do the trick perfectly.
The "swimming caps must be worn at all times" rule is clear;y being broken

Enjoying a swim with Olivia and Chelsea

As soon as a camera is in sight, they're posing


With Christmas quickly approaching, December was a busy month. We were put in charge of decorating the dining hall with Christmas decorations. For evening activity one night we got the kids to make snowflakes and paper chains (courtesy of Babs) which they all got stuck straight into. The 4 of us then spent the whole weekend decorating the hall and I'm not going to lie, we were all very impressed with how it looked.

The last week of term was a hectic one and it started with the hostel tea party to say thank you to everyone in the community for their help and support over the past year. It was a great afternoon and the kids got all dressed up in their finest attire. The most nerve racking part of the afternoon was when the kids performed a couple Christmas songs for everyone but I really have to give it to them...after only a week of practicing and a very dodgy dress rehearsal they really pulled it out of the bag. All in all, a very successful day.

The Dining hall looking better than ever

Tumelo looking swell in his shiny suit

The next again day was the hostel Christmas party. As everyone back home was getting their winter jackets out, we were putting on our shorts because we were finally seeing some sun. Instead of keeping them stuck indoors on a scorching day we took the kids to Glenhaven where we had a braai, the kids got to go swimming and kayaking in the river, we played Christmas party games and then to round the evening off we had a bonfire and all the kids got a present from Santa (Charles).

Tubing and kayaking

All ready for the Christmas braai

Olivia and I trying our best at some traditional Zulu dancing

Pin the nose on Rudolf

Wrap up snowmen

Mayhem as the kids all get their presents

To end off a manic week, on the last night before the holidays we had a movie marathon for the kids. There was sweets and chocolate galore and they were all up until 3am. Not that I would have known seeing as I was zonked out on a mattress by 11, even with all the kids talking and shouting around me.

The TV room being turned into slumber party central

Well that's me all up to date on October, November and December. I'm not promising anything but I will try write a post about Christmas travels within the next week.

Rachel x

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